what makes you feel you are the best,but you are actually the worst?

there are some people that i know who smtimes i guess they don't stand on their feet. Flying high in the sky maybe. hahah. Why do i said so? Of course there are several reasons for that.

I keep saying to myself, "don't judge anybody without knowing theirselves 1st. Stand in front of the mirror, juz look at yourself. If you keep judging them randomly and without thinking, you are just the same or even worse than them".

Damn hate for being like that. But, I can't resist that I do like to judge people. Especially now. Cuz i used to be hurt by someone i trust the most. Ya, of course. When you trust someone, u will totally,urrmmm.. i mean, klu dh dikhianati org yg kita percaya sepenuhnya, mana mungkin mudah lagi untuk kita percaya pada yang lain.

Ohooo..back to the topic, actually I juz wanna throw out what i feel. So disgusting when there are some people pretend to be kind to us, but they are actually hiding a big agenda. wah3x!!! kemain hebat lakonan mu itu! Pelik! For a long time, they could act like there's nothing happen. Pretend to be kind. Pretend to be innocent. Pretend to be pure..hahah. Memang hebat!

Finally, berbabggalah dengan segala perbuatan tu,,cz finally, u'll see, u'll feel, macam mana peritnya perasaan 'penonton lakonan' anda. Allah Maha Adil. Ingat tu. Jangan nanti sampai takut dgn bayang2 sndiri. Juz be yourself. xpayah nk berpura2. hipokrit itu sangat menyakitkan utk diri sendiri dan semua.


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